Monday, August 21, 2006

What's that smell?

Our overweight office kitty is sitting next to me right now, and when she purrs she kind of wheezes because of her weight…poor thing.

I was told recently that female stick deodorant is hard to find in Cameroon and that I should bring it with me. I got to talking with my family about trying to pack 2 years worth of deodorant, and it got pretty interesting…because really, how much deodorant actually equals 2 years worth? There isn't a little serving size label on each stick, so how does one go about figuring how much to bring? My dad and I assumed that it would be a huge amount and would weigh me down while my mom suggested sending me a "year's worth" as a Christmas present my second year there. I have a feeling that I'm going to get interesting care packages in Africa! Feel free to weigh in on the debate…how much deodorant equals a year's worth?

Speaking of care packages…wondering what address to write me at for my first 3 months in country? Here is my address:

Amber Schmitt, PCT
Corps de la Paix
B.P. 215
Yaoundé, Cameroon

Keep in mind that letters may take up to 3 months to get to me…and 3 months from today is October 21st. Hm…that's 4 days after my birthday! *nudge nudge* so you may want to get on top of that writing thing! :)

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