Friday, September 29, 2006


Hello loyal blog readers, I have safely landed in Philly and have survived staging!

Holy cow I've already had adventures. Life is never boring with me, seriously...I'm getting a little tired of the karma monsters chasing me...seriously.

The night before my flight I discovered that my music wouldn't load onto my IPOD, so I have 36 songs total with me. It actually happened at 3 in the morning and I had to leave at 4:30, so I sat at the computer bawling for a little while and then decided to suck it up and move on. Man I was devastated though...I was soooo excited about the thing!!! I guess I just have to sing a lot of made up songs in Cameroon :)

Everyone in my group is amazing. I was so excited to meet so many wonderful people. I'm being totally cheesy, but I don't think I've ever been in a group of people that I liked/appreciated/could identify with as much as this group, it's awesome. Did I mention I like them?

I would just like to publicly point out how amazingly funny my friend Betsy is. When she came over to hang out on my last night she hid some rubber snakes in my carry-on. I discovered one in the middle of the night that last night and I actually found the other while I was on the plane. You did awesome buddy. (Just so you know, it's funny because she and I are totally crazy about the movie Snakes on a Plane) to follow of the rubber snakes attacking me on the plane :)

We got 3 shots this morning: Yellow Fever, MMR, and Polio. Oo..and we start our malaria pills today. In case anyone is interested in reading about the side effects of my pills, I am on Lariam. Craziness here I come!!

Man I'm totally pumped right now and I know there is more to say, but I will write you guys later, right now I need to go see the sites in Philly and hang out with my "homies."



Anonymous said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the snakes. When I saw the package of them at the store, I knew I had to get them for you. So, you're flying to Cameroon right now, I hope things are going well. I'm really excited that you're with an amazing group of people. This way you can all watch out for each other against pygmies and snakes with antlers. I miss you like crazy. Love you!

Andrea said...

Yay, I already love the first update...I can't wait for more! I think I'm going to be an Amber's blog junkie!

P.S.- Betsy, that's awesome!