Thursday, June 08, 2006

11 week update

Hello my adoring non-comment leaving fans!

I have some heart breaking news: I talked to a girl a few days ago whose medical process took over 3 months, so I’m not winning the world record so far after all! I have my fingers crossed that I won’t end up beating her!!

As of today my medical packet has been sitting at the medical office collecting dust for 11 weeks. When I lasted talked to my medical screening assistant, he said that it would be “one month” before the nurse could look at my file. Today is one month. Everyone think happy thoughts in hopes that they are now looking at my file and that I will hear something soon!

In other news: I’ve started the long process of learning French in the past few weeks. Wow, there are definitely words in that language that my voice does not want to pronounce! Hopefully I’ll start getting a hang of it before September! Watch…now my invitation will be to anglophone Africa instead of francophone!! :)

1 comment:

Amber said...

I'm not trying to break that kind of record...but OMS hasn't even LOOKED at my file yet. So my record is for how long my file has sat on their desk collecting dust!