Saturday, October 28, 2006

Hello blog readers! 
our poor sweet darling Amber is currently in northern Cameroon where she drinks pool water and sweats more than should be humanly possible.
I would just like to point out that when people say that is hot in Africa, they're not kidding.  Seriously, it's hot.
Training here is hard...don't let the Peace Corps fool you!  You work your butt off...if not in actually classes then at night when you are trying to communicate with your homestay family in a language you can't speak.  But it's worth it...I can't wait to begin working and doing some of the awesome things we're learning about.
Next time I'll post more...or you should just ask around for the massive e-mail that I sent my parents.  If you didn't receive it, then it's possible that I don't have your e-mail address, or you haven't expressed an interest in receiving massive Amber updates.  In either case, send me an e-mail and tell me how your life is and I will add you to the list :)
Much love from Africa!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AMBER!!!!!! OK, so I'm in Tampa with Andrea right now and we just read your e-mail and Andrea is super jealous that you have both a kitten and elephants. Elephants are her favorite animal...and kittens. She is really excited about her trip now and would like you to know that she won't have to assemble a mountain bike when she gets over there. Instead, she'll have to assemble her own camel. That one might be a little more messy than a mountain bike, but oh well. It was so wonderful to hear from you. I am currently in the process of writing you a huge letter to accompany a care package, so know that one is on it's way. Everybody at work always asks about you and now I will have two new things to post on my 'Amber' wall. I miss you sooooooooooooo much and I'm glad to hear that you are doing well. I will talk to you later. I Love you!