Monday, February 27, 2006

Here we go!

I had my physical today at the student health center. It took 1 ½ hours to complete. Of course they forgot to fill in some of the boxes, so it’s a good thing I have to go back next week for the results of my blood work. Some of the blood work was already done today. For example, they told me that my iron and sugars are normal. It’s good to know that all of my eating healthy lately paid off!

The doctor laughed at me because I had sticky notes all over the paperwork that answered all the additional questions. He said that he was actually quite impressed because it really sped up the process. Yay me. I also forced him to answer every single question with a full answer instead of n/a, that way the Peace Corps won’t send the paperwork back to me. The student health center couldn’t do the ‘girly doctor’ checks, so I have to see my regular doctor for that on Friday. Yay, I’m a huge step closer to done!!

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